Lessons in Tanya – Lesson 22 – Blemishes Caused by Kelipah Nogah & The 3 Impure Kelipot – Chapter 8


Ending chapter 8 of Tanya, we learn about the blemishes that the Kelipah Nogah caused to one’s soul (ultimately through the body) and how those blemishes can be purified and cleaned. We also learn about the problems associated with purifying the 3 totally impure Kelipot.


General study of the wisdoms of the nations carries with it a problem of being involved in the three entirely impure kelipot, but the truth is that if one uses those studies for the sake of Torah, then even though they seem to be directed more towards those 3 impure kelipot, we see that their potential is still founded in kelipah nogah and the studies of the wisdoms that relate to the nations of the world can actually be uplifted. One can use mathematics for Torah – as one can science. One will ultimately have to learn mathematics in any case if one is to understand the calculations involved calculating the months of the year and when one is required to add an additional month etc.

We then make a start onto Chapter 9 – which will discuss the real challenge of the battle that is fought between the animal soul and the Godly soul. Perhaps it is here where all our learning begins to take on a real active challenge. It’s no longer just about learning what the soul is made up of and how it works, but rather, how to use these soul powers so as to overcome the negative evil and focus one’s life on positive good.

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