Mesillat Yesharim – Path of the Just #41 – Chapter 7 / 8 – Zeal! [Physical Activity Leads to Zeal]

Physical Activity Leads to Zeal Path of the Just

We conclude Chapter 7 of the Mesilat Yesharim. Our chapter has dealt with the attribute of zeal / enthusiasm. The Ramchal concludes the chapter by telling us that what is most important is getting our hearts in order. Everything stems from the heart – and once we can get our hears involved in the excitement of Mitzvot – we will be on track to fulfilling the Mitzvot — the purpose of this attribute.

If we find it hard to be excited, we must get ourselves moving so that we do the Mitzvot – the actions, in any case. Through our actions we will stir ourselves inside and our outside actions will makes us internally enthusiastic.


Chapter 8 deals with the topic of the acquisition of zeal / enthusiasm. Now that we understand its importance, we need to actively do something to acquire it.

The Ramchal will take us on a journey quite similar to the acquisition of Watchfulness, the previous trait in this ladder of ascent. Indeed, there is not much different in acquiring enthusiasm as there is in acquiring watchfulness. The only difference is that one trait deals with avoid the negative, and the other trait deals with acquiring the positive.

The Ramchal tells us that our biggest motivating factor to become excited in doing Mitzvot, is to simply remember all the kindnesses that the Creator has bestowed on us. If there is something we can do to show our appreciation, it is at the very least the observance of the Mitzvot.

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