We start our lesson in Brachot today revising briefly from the previous lesson. The issue surrounds the topic of taking Tefillin into a bathroom. Beit Hillel said one may do so into a permanent bathroom for “Number 2” whereas Beit Shammai said that even for “Number 1” is prohibited.
Yet another Beraita speaks about “Number 1” saying that it is forbidden to take those Tefillin even into a temporary bathroom. The Gemara discusses the source of this Beraita. Due to the difficulty involved, the Gemara relates a particular teaching to how much one is permitted to expose oneself in a bathroom.
The Gemara discusses the case of eating and needing the bathroom. What is the correct procedure? Should one eat when one feels one’s body is full? What should one do?!
From the above discussion, the Gemara leans in to the discussion of wearing Tefillin when one eats. Is it permissible? If not, what should one do?
The Gemara then goes on to discuss the question of wrapping up one’s Tefillin in a bag and wonders if one can also use that same bag for money. A discussion ensues.
The next topic which the Gemara discusses is the issue of sleeping with one’s Tefillin near one. What exactly is permitted and what would be forbidden and why? In any case, why would anyone need to sleep with one’s Tefillin near one?
The Gemara takes the theme of sleeping to a further topic — that of sleeping in the same bed together with others and having to recite the Keriat Shema. May one recite the Keriat Shema in one’s bed if one has no clothes on – and one finds oneself next to others who also do not have any clothes on?