Our lesson in Masechet Brachot Daf 24a contains within it a number of themes related to some very physical matters in life…
We summarise briefly from where we left off in the previous lesson. We had discussed the topic of reciting the Shema in bed when there are others in the bed with one and they are all naked. Is it permitted to recite the Shema? Is it required that one have some sort of separation between each other? There was a debate and a disagreement amongst the rabbis of the Talmud.
The Gemara continues its discussion in determining to what degree the backside of a person is consider nakedness and whether it is problematic enough to warrant the prohibition of the recital of Shema in bed if two people are lying with their faces away from each other with their backsides touching.
The Gemara then gives us an insight into the description of what is called “young children”. This of course has many ramifications and certainly in terms of the issue of nakedness being considered a problem when it comes to the recital of the Shema. Also – to what degree is pubic hair considered to be a revelation of one’s nakedness? Does this play any role in determining the maturity of a person?
The Gemara discusses some other factors which are considered nakedness in a woman, including her voice and her hair.
Our last discussion in today’s lesson concerns the theme of Tefillin again. Here we discuss the question as to whether one may suspend one’s Tefillin by their straps when hanging them up or if this is prohibited. Perhaps it is disrespectful.