Personalised Aliyah Support And Assistance For You!
We Help You Make Aliyah!

If you are considering living in the Land of Israel – or if you’ve just arrived and feeling overwhelmed with the abundance of new things you’ll need to learn, you might like to find out what really goes on and how to do everything you’ll have to do! We are here to make your Aliyah experience easier, happier – and even fun! We’re here to guide you, discuss your concerns and deal with the practicalities of making Aliyah!
Our service is different from others in that we offer a personal approach – being there with you as you actually go through the necessary steps to settling in to the Land of Israel. We’ll be with you when you need to attend to matters which you’re just finding too hard to get done on your own. We’ll help you get the basic start to settling in and feeling accomplished and ready to starting life in Eretz Yisrael (the Land of Israel)! We’ll be offering you our services as a couple who has already made the leap and experiencing life as real people. There is such a vast difference between real living – and living from a theoretical paper point of view.
Eliyahu and Shoshanah offer an invaluable service to new Olim – or even Olim to-be. Here are just some of the most crucial services we offer on a private – individual basis:

- Before making Aliyah, we can assist you with preparation. This is done through a consultation via Skype with webcam. We are here for you – to answer all your questions and brief you with vital day to day living and tasks in Israel (including all items listed below)
- Regular telephone / email correspondence, even before you arrive, while you go through the process
- Assistance to understand the mail that you receive in Hebrew
- Assistance in basic computer / administrative tasks
- Choosing a cell phone plan and opening your account for you
- Choosing your internet provider and opening your account for you
- Choosing your bank and being with you when you open your account
- Assisting you set up your internet banking, showing you how it works and teaching you how to do it yourself. (Further personal assistance available if required at times convenient to you)
- Choosing your Kupat Cholim (medical aid system) and getting to understand the system
- Assistance with shopping and costing of items (helping you economize your shopping list)
- Assisting you to understand the products that you purchase for those who do not yet read Hebrew
- Personal service according to your unique needs
- Service from a couple who has been through the struggles that you may find yourself in
- Advice is real, no propaganda.
- We’ll hold your hand through the process – you are really no longer alone!
- If you are elderly, have special needs, a disability or have a child or family member with a special need, we can help you too.
Please note: We specialise and focus in the Jerusalem area.
We can assist you to complete all the myriad of tasks that are so crucial but can be very overwhelming when coming to a new country, and especially when that new country means having to navigate the system in a foreign language.
We’d love to help you make a success of your Aliyah.
Please contact us for a quote and for more info.
For further details about our full package
see our main website www.everythingaliyah.com or our Hire Us page.
*** Disclaimer: This service is offered as an individualised personal service. Eliyahu and Shoshanah are in no way related to any of the large organisations involved in Aliyah programs assisting new olim to make Aliyah. Please note the points on this page to understand more about the type of service we offer. We do not assist in any financial capacity nor offer any miraculous solutions. Our service is a practical service offering assistance in the process of integration in being able to settle in Israel. Every individual has their own needs and requirements and there is no one-solution fits all. We cannot and do not offer accounting/tax advice for which a competent accountant will be necessary. We cannot and do not offer legal advice for which a qualified lawyer must be consulted.