Watchfulness is the trait of being aware of the dangers that surround us. We must be on the constant lookout for those things that can prevent us from being on the right path and flee from them as fast as possible.
It is the hidden love found within each Jew that awakens at certain times of urgency. When a Jew is confronted with the ultimate test of giving up his life under the duress of conversion or serving idols, this love awakens itself as the Jew refuses to be separated from God for even a moment.
In fact, if the Jew could only identify with this deep love to God always, he would never come to commit any sin at all. It is just that a spirit of folly enters into him, and he thinks that when committing a sin, he is not separating himself from God at all. But in truth, every sin tears one away from God.
The hidden love – found even in the most lowly of Jews – is a power that is so great, that it will not allow a Jew to commit a sin even if just overtly – though he does not actually believe in the action he is involved in.
In fact, within the hidden love is also an aspect of tremendous fear of God. It is the fear inherent within the love that prevents the Jew from that particularly serious sin.
We begin Chapter 20 which is a follow on from Chapter 19. Here we will see the concept of (the start) of how a Jew is able implement that hidden love in all matters of MItzvah observance and refraining from committing sins. By understanding more about the first two commandments of the Ten Commandments, the Jew will be able to see how God has manifested His entire Torah within these commandments and through this, the Jew will be able to understand how to refrain from breaking away from God in every single sin – just as he is able to refrain to breaking away from God at the time of such serious sins as idolatry.
We conclude Chapter 1 of the Mesilat Yesharim. The Ramchal has brought us to understand the obligation of a person in this world. It is ultimately to serve God, refine oneself, and do everything one can here, while one is alive, to prepare for life in the next world.
While the Tzaddik may rule over his heart and even the Beinoni can tap into the love of God through the Tevunah (“understanding”) that exists within his mind, the Rasha (evil person) must have another way to come to love God.
We begin the first Mishnah of Chapter 2 of Tractate Berachot. The Mishnah tells us that if the time arrives for reciting the Shema, and one has intention, then one fulfills one’s obligation to recite the Shema. One must have intention to fulfill this Mitzvah.
Within every Jew there is a spark of love for God which is given over to him through the forefathers. It is a hidden love – to be sure. Though the Tzaddik may have a revealed love as he rules over his heart, and the Beinoni has an intellectual love which he can “tap into” to bring into a revealed love, for the remainder of Jews, it is not as easy to generate this revealed love. However, through the hidden love given to them through the forefathers, they are indeed able to connect with their love for God.
The Ramchal teaches us that we must be very precise in the way which we observe the Mitzvot. Even the smallest change can make such a big difference to our lives (in whichever direction we go.) We should learn from those who weigh out gold and pearls at how exacting they are and that the smallest change (or error) can make a huge difference in their lives.
We revise briefly the last Mishnah that appears in the first Perek (chapter) of Gemara Berachot. Rabbi Elazar ben Azaryia laments that he was not successful in implementing the recital of the third paragraph of the Keriat Shema in the evening Shema, until Ben Zoma came around with an explanation of proof as to why we must recite it.
We conclude Chapter 18 discussing how the Torah is close to all. In fact, it is very close. The love that we can feel towards God is something that each of us has within ourselves. It is a gift that is given to us from our forefathers, Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov.