Derech Hashem – The Way of God – How False Prophets Can Confuse Others – Lesson 23 Section 3


The Ramchal teaches us the story about the wicked King Achav. He had wanted to go to war with Ramot Gilad, but did not know if he would be victorious. As a result he employed some prophets to tell him that he would indeed be victorious!

The catch is the way in which they behaved. They were false prophets – seeking their ways through impurity. But worse – they all knew that what they were saying was false. But they still did their best to convince King Achav that he would be victorious.

King Achav was a little skeptical of them and so another prophet Tzidkiya ben Chaana came with a whole scene holding horns on his head and telling him that he would be victorious with those horns. But he too was fake!

Only Michiya was a true prophet, but King Achav was not prepared to hear him because a spirit from above was able to infiltrate through to the physical world to convince the king that he would indeed be victorious in his war.

Needless to say, he died in the war of Ramot Gilad.

But the point of the whole story was to share with us the mysteries behind understanding false prophets and what they can do, fake prophets, and then of course to get to understand that there are legitimate prophets too.

In the final section of Section 3 of the Ramchal’s Derech Hashem – we will get to see what made Moshe (Moses) so different as a prophet than all the other prophets.

There are prophets… and then there is Moshe Rabbeinu (Moses our teacher)!

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