God created the world to function in a certain way. At the same time, He also wants us to interact with creation and with Him. He therefore gives us Names that we may use in order to bring Shefa (abundance and and a flow of blessing downwards) into this world and into ourselves. We use these Names when we pray using a Siddur and through doing so, the spiritual force behind these words (Names) causes changes to occur.
It is not always permitted to make use of the various Names and one who does so when it is forbidden will suffer the consequences. However, there are times when we may use certain Names in accordance with particular rules and times.
The Ramchal – Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto (1707-1747) – tells us in this Section – Section 3 – of his work Derech Hashem – the secrets behind the use of these Names and the conditions attached to making use of them. One must follow the discussion from the beginning to the end in order to benefit the most. Learning one lesson – such as this – on its own will not share the full story and message.