Our page is jam packed with a number of different topics. As is the way of Gemara – to jump from one theme to another in an apparently totally random order – our page is no different!
The Gemara continues the theme of the dead as discussed in our previous lesson. One who speaks about the dead is considered like speaking about a stone. Some say it’s because they don’t know. Others say it’s because they don’t care!
But the Gemara tells us it’s not so simple. Maybe the dead do know and they can even take vengeance on one for speaking about them. The Gemara tells us that cases regarding Torah scholars is different. Even if they don’t know what’s being said about them – God will take “vengeance” at those who speak about them in a bad manner.
The Talmud tells us here that for 24 things, the Beit Din put one into excommunication and then follows through with details about the various things – though it doesn’t list them all, nor does it give us any further details (here) of how to find the different 24 things.
Regarding the rabbis putting people into excommunication, the Gemara tells of a famous story about Rabbi Eliezer and the rabbis. Rabbi Eliezer had given his ruling regarding a particular type of oven that Rabbi Eliezer ruled to be pure, yet the rabbis ruled it to be impure. Because Rabbi Eliezer did not accept the ruling of the rabbis (the majority), the rabbis ostracised him (a lesser form of excommunication).
The Gemara continues to discuss the various parts of our Mishnah. We learn about those attending the funeral and the eulogy and whether they are obligated in reciting the Keriat Shema or not and what they should do in order to fulfill their obligations.
It is with regards to the situation of the mourner who must accept the judgment from High (the loss of his relative) and who should apparently even state that he is accepting this whole heartedly, that the Gemara teaches the famous teaching of being careful to never open one’s mouth to the Satan i.e. and assume that one might be worth even worse judgments than what God is currently inflicting upon one.