In our lesson in Masechet Brachot today we continue the direction of the Mishnah where Rabbi Yehuda said that a Baal Keri may indeed make the blessings for the Keriat Shema as well as after eating.
Yet it seemed from our last lesson that Rabbi Yehuda also held by the importance of not studying Torah in a state of impurity. Therefore, how could he have said that one may say these blessings? The Gemara says it must be that Rabbi Yehuda meant it in the sense of thinking and not speaking.
But the Gemara protests (as is its way!) that this doesn’t fit in with any Beraita that says the Rabbi Yehuda does not hold by thinking. Therefore, it must mean that when he said speaking – he really did mean it after all!
The Gemara concludes that Rabbi Yehuda equated these blessings with a lighter category of learning i.e. that that pertains to Derech Eretz. Here, he holds that studying Derech Eretz is permitted.
Rabbi Yose discusses the issue of studying Mishnah, saying that as long as one doesn’t elaborate in one’s learning, it is permitted. Rabbi Yosef disagrees and says that all Mishna is permitted, just that one may not elaborate on the Gemara (while in a state of impurity). Other opinions are given on the subject.
A story is told about Rabbi Yehuda who himself becomes a Baal Keri. His students ask him to teach them about Derech Eretz, and yet Rabbi Yehuda immerses himself before teaching – going against his own teaching of being permitted to study Derech Eretz without immersion. He explains his reasoning and his behaviour.
Rabbi Yehuda ben Beteira says the day and tells us that words of Torah do not become impure. Therefore, even if one is impure, one should still continue to study (as is done today.)