We conclude our discussion in Masechet Brachot today Daf 24b on the subject of reciting the Keriat Shema in a place of filth. Rav Huna and Rav Chisda argue their points and Rav Meyasha son of the son of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi and Rav Asi give their take by quoting verses that relate to this recitation in a place of filth. Rabbi Abahu quotes a verse sharing the beauty of valuing not reciting Shema in a place of filth.
Rav Huna begins the next discussion regarding reciting Shema if one places a belt on one’s waist and that it is sufficient i.e. in terms of modesty but says that for prayer, one must cover one’s heart.
The Gemara turns to a discussion of what to do if one goes into a bathroom wearing Tefillin. May one attend to one’s needs – or should one run out even if one has already begun to attend to one’s needs.
We continue discussing themes of praying when there is dirt (i.e. feces) on a part of one’s body.
What is the law with regards to praying in an area where there is feces in the vicinity? The Gemara lists various conditions for being permitted to pray in certain instances and when it is clearly forbidden.
What about praying in an area with a bad smell (i.e. from a person having passed wind) but there is no actual physical source present? What is the situation of praying when there is a doubt of there being feces in the vicinity? What about praying if there is urine in the vicinity? These subjects are all dealt with in our Gemara today.