Moses ascended Mt Sinai more than 3300 years ago to receive a set of instructions that every Jew would be required to learn and practise. Though the Torah was given to and accepted by the Jewish people, God wanted a world of goodness and kindness for everybody.
For those who would choose not to follow all 613 commandments, G-d asked of them to follow the laws of Noah. Such people are known as Bnei Noah (children of Noah.) They follow the seven commandments of Noah.
The call of Torah is however always open for all to learn. The Torah is not exclusive. It is the will of God and all who wish to grab on to her laws, to learn them and to practise them are welcome to!
If you are not Jewish, but are wondering what the Torah is all about, or are already actively involved in a conversion program with an orthodox Beit Din – and are looking for extra assistance in your learning, Reb Eliyahu offers you the opportunity to learn with him those parts of Torah you are interested in at a pace suitable to you and at a convenient time too. Learning is done via Skype. Reb Eliyahu is patient, thorough and will make certain you feel comfortable with the text or material you are in need of learning.
Naturally, if you are not Jewish but still wondering what the Torah is all about, feel free to be in touch with Reb Eliyahu and schedule a time when you can have the opportunity to discuss what’s on your mind the most! All sincere questions will be discussed openly with a view to understanding the truth of the Torah!

- Prohibition of idolatry
- Prohibition of blasphemy
- Prohibition of murder
- Prohibition of sexual immorality
- Prohibition of theft
- Prohibition of eating the flesh of an animal that is still alive
- Establishment of honest courts of law
Did you know? A Jew is a Jew if his/her mother is Jewish. If her mother is/was Jewish – she is Jewish – even if G-d forbid she chooses to deny her Jewish roots and brings up her children as non-Jews. If she herself was brought up as a non-Jew by her mother – who was actually Jewish, then she would be Jewish in any case – and so would her children!
As a result of this, many people do not even realise that they may be Jewish. It is only when they begin to find our more about their family trees, that they see that their great-great-grandmother was Jewish – but they may think that it was only her that was Jewish – but not that they are. If however, their great-grandmother was her daughter, and their grandmother was her daughter, and their mother was her daughter – then that would make them Jewish, even if for three generations, nobody in the family acknowledged or practised Judaism!
If you are not Jewish, but have often felt inclined towards conversion – do check out your lineage. It is vital to know in the first instance if in fact you actually are Jewish! When consulting with a rabbi, it is vital to know more about your family tree so that he can see whether you may in fact be Jewish already!
Indeed, there are many Jews who live their lives as non-Jews, never realising that being a Jew stems from the mother’s side all the way up on the family tree.