The Ramchal teaches us about the way in which the student desiring to learn how to prophesy would be required to learn by a teacher. The teacher would instruct him, monitoring his progress so that ultimately he too would reach the tremendously high levels of holiness and being able to prophesy for himself.
Of course, everyone is different, but prophecy is there for all those who wish to explore further in their spiritual growth. In days gone by it was clear that all had to go to a school in order to learn. It is no different today. One must study true kosher Jewish spirituality from one who has learnt it from a master himself. It is a long path, but it is also short… There is a process to follow. There is much to be done. But let us find out how it all worked in the meantime, and begin to imagine the reality of it, and that God has certainly wanted for us to strive to attain levels of holiness so that we could be able to attach ourselves to Him and experience true prophecy!