The Gemara continues with a discussion about the time considered to be the correct one to recite the Keriat Shema in the evening. A number of opinions was already given in the previous Shiur. Our Gemara now wishes to establish which the earlier and later times are concerning the various opinions.
We also learn about the different periods of the “Watches” in the evening. How many are there and what happens in the spiritual worlds at the time of the changing of the Watch?
What is Tikkun Chazot (the Midnight Prayer) and how does it relate to the Watches?
We begin a story about Rabbi Yossei who once encountered the prophet Elijah while he (Rabbi Yossei) was praying in a ruin in Jerusalem. Elijah the Prophet waits for him to finish his prayers before teaching Rabbi Yossei some important points about prayer and ruins.
We’re making using of the beautiful Koren Talmud Bavli edition which is translated in sections. While you don’t see the form of the original page, by learning this way, one gets to see the various parts of the Gemara divided so that it’s easy to follow along.
This is not a Daf Yomi Shiur. It’s about spending time involved in learning and enjoying the part of the page we’re focusing on at the time!
If you’d like to find out more about the different Halachic time periods during the day, see these two outstanding sites:
Zmanim: http://bit.ly/HalachicTimes
Times for Prayer when Living in the Arctic!: http://bit.ly/PrayingInTheArctic