Thanks for wanting to become a member of our site and for showing an interest in becoming a part of our Torah community!
You are taking a great part in supporting Torah teaching and learning. By signing up as a member you become a partner in the support of Torah much like the relationship of Yissachar and Zevulun. Yissachar would study Torah and Zevulun would support his brother financially. In Israel, the giving of charity is forbidden by government rule. We do not come to ask for charity. Rather, we come to offer you the opportunity to be a part of our Torah network.
Level | Price | Action |
Bronze Member of Chessed Ve'Emet's Community |
ILS 180.00 per Month. |
Select |
Silver Member of Chessed Ve'Emet's Community |
ILS 360.00 per Month. |
Select |
Gold Member of Chessed Ve'Emet's Community |
ILS 720.00 per Month. |
Select |
Platinum Member of Chessed Ve'Emet's Community |
ILS 1,800.00 per Month. |
Select |
Diamond Member of Chessed Ve'Emet's Community |
ILS 3,600.00 per Month. |
Select |
When you sign up for membership, you will receive a password to our site, entitling you to view blog posts which will only be available to members. Non-members will only see the blurb of the post. In addition, further video posts sharing Torah will be available to members only.
Though we used to offer specials on our lessons for certain membership levels, we are no longer able to offer this to our supporters. Please understand that you are supporting and helping us. Should you wish to take private lessons, we will only be able to offer those lessons at normal rates. For those who support us beyond these regular membership levels, please do feel free to be in touch with Rav Eliyahu to find out the best ways of learning with him should you also wish to learn each month.
Either way, it must be pointed out that members must claim their Shiurim during the month of their membership. Should they not claim their Shiurim, that month’s Shiurim will be lost and the new month will start a new opportunity.
Most of all – becoming a member shows your support for Eliyahu’s efforts in teaching and takes a share in the support of Torah study and the support of a Torah scholar.
Terms and Conditions subject to change without notice.
Friends – the truth is that we want to be able to offer all our Torah for free. If we have the needed membership from people such as yourself – we will have no need to hide certain posts for members only, but will be able to provide all our Torah to the community at no cost. Please help us to make this possible. If you’d like to know what we need to help us achieve this goal – please contact us. We really need your help.
Please note: Should you have any problems signing up of any kind, please be in touch with us directly and we will assist you.
Friends – when we came to live in Israel, we came with literally nothing in terms of finance. We came hoping to make a success of our Aliyah and be able to even afford an apartment of our own. Unfortunately, we have never been able to make a start. Real estate inflates as fast as a helium balloon and it is impossible to even begin thinking of even making a start. As a result, we end up moving very often – sometimes once a year, and sometimes once every two years. The complete lack of stability takes us from ever being able to put our things down, unpack our bags (once and for all!) and say that the place we live in is truly ours.
Our membership program means you value our need to live as any normal family should – at the very least in their own home. It will only be through those who are prepared to support Torah on the highest level membership that we will ever get a start to our lives. We hope it will actually be – in our lifetimes! Please do consider becoming a member and support Torah and Torah scholars on the level that they too need to live. Becoming a member simply means you truly value Torah and value what it means to support those who learn it. Please make a difference in our lives.
Thanks for becoming a partner in our activities. You are making a HUGE difference in our lives.