In our lesson in Mesilat Yesharim we conclude Chapter 6 on the theme of zeal / enthusiasm. King Solomon has well warned us about the dangers of being lazy (as we learnt in our previous lesson) already. Now we take things one step further…
The Ramchal tells us that one who does not pursue what he should, does not necessarily do it because he denies its importance. He holds himself back simply because of the heaviness of the body. It is the body’s own mechanisms that keep one away from doing what one should, even if one knows what should be done.
One can come up with all sorts of excuses as to why not to do certain things – and certainly to fulfill the will of one’s Creator. Today there’s something to eat. Today one needs to sleep a little more. Today – it’s that I’ve already got ready for bed, and how can one get going now? It just won’t work!
Excuse after excuse, the lazy person can come out with countless reasons as to why not to do certain things. He can even bring proofs from well-known sources as to why his actions are correct. Sadly – the lazy person is wiser in his own eyes that many of the greatest sages all out together. That’s the danger of laziness. It makes us think we’ve got everything worked out and why we’re not required to do much with anything of our lives.
The lazy person will never come to hear the words of wisdom of those who are wiser than he is. Once one is lazy – one has such an incredible knowledge of everything that one can simply find an excuse for everything. Such is the danger of laziness!
If one is wanting to get out of the rut of laziness – one will surely have to really get oneself going — against all the pressures of the heaviness of the body, so that one can actually accomplish what one needs to.
Strive to be an angel! The angels attend to all of God’s bidding like bolts of lightning moving at tremendous speeds. We might not be angels… but between striving for our lower animal souls – it’s a better battle to fight to strive to become an angel, than allow oneself to fall into the material way of following one’s animal desires. Spirituality is about being the angel and being filled with enthusiasm. Materiality is about sinking into the abyss of animalistic desires and finding oneself trapped in a world of laziness.