In our lesson in Mesilat Yesharim, we begin Chapter 7. The Ramchal introduces us to the next important message of life development and growth. We are dealing with the attribute of zeal / enthusiasm in doing Mitzvot.
The Ramchal tells us in this chapter that there are different parts to zeal and enthusiasm.
1. Before the Mitzvah is performed
2. After the Mitzvah has been started
We must be cautious for both these elements. Before engaging in a Mitzvah, it is vital to become enthusiastic about it. We must consider that the moment the opportunity to engage in a Mitzvah becomes available – we must do everything we can do fulfill it. We must not wait around hoping that perhaps there will be a better time to perform it, or a better way to perform it etc. These are all just excuses of the Yetzer HaRa to prevent a person from performing the Mitzvah. Rather, the moment we see the opportunity to perform a Mitzvah – we must jump to it!
The Ramchal shares examples to help understand this concept.
Then the Ramchal takes us to the next level. Though we may begin a Mitzvah, sometimes we can give up! On the contrary, we must realise, it is not just good enough to become excited before doing the Mitzvah. Rather, we must be excited while engaged in the Mitzvah in order that we will follow through and complete the Mitzvah in its entirety.