Mesillat Yesharim – The Path of the Just – Introduction Part 1 – Lesson 1


The Mesillat Yesharim was written by the outstanding sage Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto (1707-1746). This is his masterpiece work which teaches us not just Mussar (ethical morals) but also ways in which to sanctify ourselves so that we can become closer to the Creator. In fact, if we follow his steps carefully enough, we can even reach the level of acquiring Ruach HaKodesh (Divine Inspiration)!

Mussar concerns itself with developing the person into a fine moral person. It also concerns itself with developing a person’s relationship with God. Suddenly, the relationship is not just about the legal codes of Jewish law and the “Bible”, but one develops one’s love and fear for God – and so much more!

The introduction takes us from the very start of what lead the Ramchal to shares his thoughts with us about working on oneself. He explains why he has written the book, what it is all about, and in fact how central and important learning these teachings is.

The Ramchal was only 33 years old when he wrote this book, but one can clearly see that here was a person who had so internalised these values, that he was most fitting to teach them to those younger than he, those in his age range – and as is studied by so many today – even those of an advanced age.

His words are priceless and invaluable to anyone wanting to improve himself as a human being, improve his relationship with others, and no less than all of this – to cleave to God.

Please join me in our journey together in becoming greater people in everything we do – throughout our entire lives.

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