Maot Chittim: Assisting Others to Enjoy Pesach With All Their Needs

The Rama (Orach Chaim 421:9) writes that there is a custom (brought at the beginning of Yerushalmi Baba Basra) to give Tzedakah to the poor to enable them to have all their needs for the Yom Tov of Pesach in a respectable manner.
This Tzedaka is known as “Maos Chittim” (money for wheat) or “Kimcha D’Pischa” (Pesach flour).
It is obviously a very great and special Mitzvah to help those unable to celebrate the festival as they would like to, to be able to do so like true kings and queens, after all Pesach is the festival of our freedom. We all know the real costs involved for Matzah, wine and all the extra expenses for food and other necessities to make Pesach a reality.
With this in mind and Pesach just around the corner, we have begun a Pesach appeal fund asking for your help this Pesach to aid families in being able to celebrate Pesach this year in true freedom with all the wine, Matzah and tasty food they need. Please help us all this Pesach!
You can also make a donation of any amount by making directly here:
Thank you for your kindness!
May you and your family be blessed with a Chag Kasher Ve’Somayach and the very best of everything – always!