The Torah teaches us to look after our brother. We find out the importance behind this commandment and how fast we must react to help another! Our initial teaching comes from a verse in Parshat Behar.
We continue on with a powerful teaching from the Midrash that this world is like a water-wheel with buckets on either side. As the one bucket fills with water, the other is being emptied and when the empty bucket is again lowered and fills up with water from the well underneath, it is the other bucket that then becomes empty.
Weath and poverty are in the hands of G-d. We would do well to internalise this message and assist others in need when we can help, because the world is a wheel that goes around. Sometimes those on top can be on the bottom, and sometimes – then – those on the bottom end up on the top.
We must help each other whenever we can. That is our obligation and our duty. This fascinating lesson and textual teaching from the original sources shows us just how serious the Torah takes the commandment of charity – Tzedakah.
(Apologies for the strange black flash at the beginning of the video.)