Keep it simple – says the Rambam. If one wonders about the essential Mitzvah of Tzedakah (charity), the Rambam summarises for us:
Tag: life
Giving in to The Other – The Effects of Giving the Other Space (Video with Cheetahs)
Charity is a Mitzvah Too! (Parshat Re’eh)

I often become startled – if not embarrassed when I find myself around those who hate to give. Pirkei Avot 5:13 teaches us that there are four types of givers. There is one who wishes to give but that others should not. He begrudges others! There is one who believes that others should give, but that he does not have to. He begrudges himself! There is one who gives and believes that others should give too. He is a Chassid (pious person)! Finally there is one who believes that he does not have to give, nor should others. He is wicked! When I find a situation of someone asking for help (especially a person dressed in rags – God forbid) other than considering my own responsibility to give, I find myself reciting this Mishnah. Indeed, the Mishnah is telling us the truth!
The Story of The Carpenter and The Two Brothers
The 42 Journeys of Life – Parshat Masei
Rabbi Yekutiel Yehuda Halberstam – The Klausenberg Rebbe

Rabbi Yekutiel Yehuda Halberstam (1905-1994) – the Rebbe of Klausenberg was one of our generations greatest rabbis. He was known for his exceptional breadth of knowledge of all areas of Torah and his immense level of compassion for others.
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The Rebbe – Marching Orders – 23 Years On…
The Long Way Home – a Lesson to Never Give Up! (Video Included)

The wisest of all men – King Solomon, teaches in his work Mishlei (Proverbs 13:12), “Hope deferred (a drawn out hope) makes the heart sick, but a desire that is realised is a tree of life!” Rashi explains this to refer to to someone who trusts in his friend to help him – but he does not; but when a desire is realised, it is like a tree of life – this refers to God who awaits for the Jewish people to return to Him (through the observance of mitzvot, the study of Torah, acts of goodness and kindness to others etc.) but they don’t return; in the end it brings them to a sickness of the heart; but when His desire is fulfilled, then it is like a tree of life to them!