I’d like to tell you something. It’s not my way to hate. But sometimes I see news and social media posts that come across with such hatred, I often want to jump on their ugly bandwagon filled with their own cobwebs and skeletons in their own closets and shot out as loud as I can, “LET’S ALL HATE EACH OTHER!!!”
What a “wonderful” idea! Well, it’s something I think about because I know that if I were to say such a thing, I could just imagine how many negative comments would come back to me about what an ugly person I myself am. How can I say such a thing?! They might add, “Are you a member of society”, or perhaps, “You should be banished and put away for life for even thinking to speak that way!” And ironically (pay attention now…)- it is their very post that indicates their own destructive hatred – just that it’s said over in such a better and more sophisticated manner. This, of course, to clear those who actually say those terrible things of any emotions of hatred that they would – God forbid – have towards anyone else. They are surely the most loving of people who would not say a bad word about anyone!
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