We begin Chapter 10 in the Mesilat Yesharim today! This is exciting! We’ve learned about the trait of Watchfulness and then moved onto Zeal (enthusiasm / alacrity). We’ve learnt about the importance of guarding oneself from anything that stands in the way of us accomplishing our goals and Goal (capital G) in life. We’ve also learnt about getting excited about doing what we must.
Continuing the theme of fear, the Mesilat Yesharim tells us – in concluding Chapter 9, that when fear is based upon something real, it is reasonable to assume one will do everything to stay away from it. That is fine! It when we fined all sorts of excuses not to do something based upon an improbable fear that causes as to stumble. This is not acceptable. We will not get on with life if we live this way. We will certainly not be able to get on with studying Torah and observing Mitzvot!
Chapter 9 of the Mesilat Yesharim discusses various matters that detract from enthusiasm (zeal!) The Ramchal tells us that such things as seeking the comforts of the body, hating effort and loving physical delights will detract from one’s being able to become enthusiastic in one’s holy activities in life. These all bring a person to great laziness!
We conclude Chapter 8 of the Mesilat Yesharim in today’s lesson. The Ramchal tells us that one of the best ways to get ourselves enthusiastic about fulfilling the Mitzvot is simply to consider God’s kindnesses to us.
We conclude Chapter 7 of the Mesilat Yesharim. Our chapter has dealt with the attribute of zeal / enthusiasm. The Ramchal concludes the chapter by telling us that what is most important is getting our hearts in order. Everything stems from the heart – and once we can get our hears involved in the excitement of Mitzvot – we will be on track to fulfilling the Mitzvot — the purpose of this attribute.
The Ramchal teaches us in the Mesilat Yesharim that those who behave in enthusiastic ways will ultimately meet up with kings! Even if not literally – we can still well understand what he means. Those who engage in their activities with vigour are bound to move ahead meeting those who think similarly and who become – so to speak – the “movers and shakers” of the world. In fact, everyone has the power to reach these levels.
In our lesson in Mesilat Yesharim, we begin Chapter 7. The Ramchal introduces us to the next important message of life development and growth. We are dealing with the attribute of zeal / enthusiasm in doing Mitzvot.
The Ramchal tells us in this chapter that there are different parts to zeal and enthusiasm.
1. Before the Mitzvah is performed
2. After the Mitzvah has been started
We must be cautious for both these elements. Before engaging in a Mitzvah, it is vital to become enthusiastic about it. We must consider that the moment the opportunity to engage in a Mitzvah becomes available – we must do everything we can do fulfill it. We must not wait around hoping that perhaps there will be a better time to perform it, or a better way to perform it etc. These are all just excuses of the Yetzer HaRa to prevent a person from performing the Mitzvah. Rather, the moment we see the opportunity to perform a Mitzvah – we must jump to it!
The Ramchal shares examples to help understand this concept.
Then the Ramchal takes us to the next level. Though we may begin a Mitzvah, sometimes we can give up! On the contrary, we must realise, it is not just good enough to become excited before doing the Mitzvah. Rather, we must be excited while engaged in the Mitzvah in order that we will follow through and complete the Mitzvah in its entirety.
In our lesson in Mesilat Yesharim we conclude Chapter 6 on the theme of zeal / enthusiasm. King Solomon has well warned us about the dangers of being lazy (as we learnt in our previous lesson) already. Now we take things one step further…
In our lesson in Mesilat Yesharim we continue in Chapter 6 with the trait of enthusiasm / zeal. The Ramchal elaborates on the theme of the importance of energy and enthusiasm in performing Mitzvot.
We conclude Chapter 5 in today’s lesson. It’s taken a few lessons – but understanding the trait of Watchfulness has become clear!
We’ve learnt that there are three factors that detract from our being able to get on with the task at hand (life and growth in this world!) These include: