A fascinating chapter into the world of the city of the human body. Its inhabitants include the limbs of the body. But who is the king? There are two. There is the Animal Soul which believes it has full rights to rule over the city and there is Godly Soul which believe it has full rights to rule over the city.
Ending chapter 8 of Tanya, we learn about the blemishes that the Kelipah Nogah caused to one’s soul (ultimately through the body) and how those blemishes can be purified and cleaned. We also learn about the problems associated with purifying the 3 totally impure Kelipot.
Chapter 8 continues the theme of the 3 evil kelipot (husks/shells/peels) and the kelipah nogah (the glowing husk). The Alter Rebbe (1745-1812) teaches us about the quality of evil inherent within various worldly things and our ability to refine it.
The three Kelipot (husks/shells/peels) are completely evil. Nevertheless, if a person engaged in an activity which is bound by these three Kelipot, he can still make repair to the sin which was committed. This can be done through Teshuvah Mei’Ahavah – repentance out of love.
Having gained an understanding of the three totally impure Kelipot (husks/shells/peels) we turn our attention to understanding the Kelipah Nogah (the translucent / glowing husk) and as it manifests itself within the animal soul of the Jew.
Having completed a basic understanding of the Godly soul, the Alter Rebbe turns his attention to the composition of the animal soul. Chapter 6 will give us an insight into how the animal soul works. Indeed, just like the Godly soul – the animal soul is a perfect parallel of the Godly soul.
After concluding Chapter 4 dealing with “hugging the King”, we move in to understanding why Torah study is even greater than Mitzvah performance. Studying Torah means “grasping” the very mind of God. Hidden within the words of Torah and the Halachot (the laws) is the actual will of God.
The Torah is the manifestation of God into the physical realms. The Torah descends like water from a high place to a low place and so the revelation of God in the physical world is an exact likeness of God as He exists in the higher worlds of spirituality and even above this (so to speak.)
The Alter Rebbe teaches us that when we perform Mitzvot and study Torah, we are able to literally grab a hold of God. The physical Mitzvot and the letters of Torah are not something separate from God – but rather they are completely attached to God in a complete unity.
When we study Torah, we attach ourselves to God. When we perform Mitzvot, we hug God as He allows us to within the physical realm. This is even higher than the levels of sublime joy we encounter in the higher realms, because there, we find only a glimmer of God’s light. Here, in this physical world, we can “touch” God (so to speak) as we embrace the Torah and the Mitzvot – just like a person would hug the king – even if he had many garments on. What an inspiring teaching that will help us to feel excited about the Torah we study and the Mitzvot that we perform!
We continue in Chapter 4 discussing the garments of the Godly soul and how we make use of them to connect with God. we must be aware that in the event that we transgress the Mitzvot that we literally give life to the forces of the Other Side (of holiness).