In our lesson in Tanya today we conclude Chapter 31. The Alter Rebbe “departs” from this chapter giving us hope and encouragement on our journey in life. We should not be concerned about the animal side to ourselves that brings us down. Instead we need to focus on the fact that ultimately God has put the Godly soul into a physical body in order to uplift all of creation. We should focus on this and through serving God with our bodies as much as we do with our souls, we will bring ourselves to a state of immense joy. Indeed this is what we need to do.
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Learn Talmud – Berachot #57 Daf 22a Part 2 (Koren Talmud Bavli) [9 Kabim of Water]
In our lesson in Talmud Brachot today – Daf 22a, we are taught that we follow three rabbis with regards to three particular things. In matter of shearing the first sheep, we follow according to Rabbi Ilai. In matters pertaining to Kilayim – sowing forbidden mixtures together (or in other words, not being permitted to sow these mixtures) we follow Rabbi Yoshiya. And in matters pertaining to Torah, we follow Rabbi Yehuda bar Ilai – who we already know has taught us that the words of Torah do not become impure (even if they are studied by somebody in a state of ritual impurity.)
Continue reading “Learn Talmud – Berachot #57 Daf 22a Part 2 (Koren Talmud Bavli) [9 Kabim of Water]”Lessons in Tanya #66 – Chapter 31 Part 3 [A Descent For the Purpose of an Ascent]
In our lesson in Tanya today we (almost) complete Chapter 31 dealing with the theme of Timtum HaLeiv (dullness of the heart) and the importance of not allowing these feelings to interfere with actually becoming happy! Our duty and obligation is to free the Shechinah (the Godly soul) from its exile within our bodies — and let it shine out to ourselves and to others!
Continue reading “Lessons in Tanya #66 – Chapter 31 Part 3 [A Descent For the Purpose of an Ascent]”Mesillat Yesharim – Path of the Just #39 – Chapter 7 – Zeal! [Enthusiasm Before & During the Mitzvah]
In our lesson in Mesilat Yesharim, we begin Chapter 7. The Ramchal introduces us to the next important message of life development and growth. We are dealing with the attribute of zeal / enthusiasm in doing Mitzvot.
The Ramchal tells us in this chapter that there are different parts to zeal and enthusiasm.
1. Before the Mitzvah is performed
2. After the Mitzvah has been started
We must be cautious for both these elements. Before engaging in a Mitzvah, it is vital to become enthusiastic about it. We must consider that the moment the opportunity to engage in a Mitzvah becomes available – we must do everything we can do fulfill it. We must not wait around hoping that perhaps there will be a better time to perform it, or a better way to perform it etc. These are all just excuses of the Yetzer HaRa to prevent a person from performing the Mitzvah. Rather, the moment we see the opportunity to perform a Mitzvah – we must jump to it!
The Ramchal shares examples to help understand this concept.
Then the Ramchal takes us to the next level. Though we may begin a Mitzvah, sometimes we can give up! On the contrary, we must realise, it is not just good enough to become excited before doing the Mitzvah. Rather, we must be excited while engaged in the Mitzvah in order that we will follow through and complete the Mitzvah in its entirety.
Continue reading “Mesillat Yesharim – Path of the Just #39 – Chapter 7 – Zeal! [Enthusiasm Before & During the Mitzvah]”Learn Talmud – Berachot #56 Daf 22a Part 1 (Koren Talmud Bavli) [Torah Study and Ritual Purity]
In our lesson in Masechet Brachot today we continue the direction of the Mishnah where Rabbi Yehuda said that a Baal Keri may indeed make the blessings for the Keriat Shema as well as after eating.
Continue reading “Learn Talmud – Berachot #56 Daf 22a Part 1 (Koren Talmud Bavli) [Torah Study and Ritual Purity]”Lessons in Tanya #65 – Chapter 31 Part 2 [Taking the Godly Soul Out of Exile]
In our lesson in Tanya we continue Chapter 31 – dealing with the issue of a possible depression resulting from seeing oneself in a lower light than others. Sure – we have to be humble before others, but doesn’t that bring us to a situation of becoming depressed? Too much “working on oneself” in this way may well make it easier to fall into depression.
Continue reading “Lessons in Tanya #65 – Chapter 31 Part 2 [Taking the Godly Soul Out of Exile]”Mesillat Yesharim – Path of the Just #38 – Chapter 6 – Zeal! [Strive to Become an Angel!]
In our lesson in Mesilat Yesharim we conclude Chapter 6 on the theme of zeal / enthusiasm. King Solomon has well warned us about the dangers of being lazy (as we learnt in our previous lesson) already. Now we take things one step further…
Continue reading “Mesillat Yesharim – Path of the Just #38 – Chapter 6 – Zeal! [Strive to Become an Angel!]”Learn Talmud – Berachot #55 Daf 21b (Koren Talmud Bavli) [Sanctifying God in Prayer]
In our lesson in Masechet Berachot – Tractate Brachot / Blessing – studying from the Koren Talmud Bavli – we continue on the theme of prayer.
Continue reading “Learn Talmud – Berachot #55 Daf 21b (Koren Talmud Bavli) [Sanctifying God in Prayer]”Lessons in Tanya #64 – Chapter 30 Part 4 Chapter 31 Part 1 [The Axe That Chops The Forest]
We conclude Chapter 30 in our Lessons In Tanya series. The Alter Rebbe brings us to his main point, having dealt with the issue of Timtum HaLeiv (a dullness of the heart) in the previous couple of chapters.
Continue reading “Lessons in Tanya #64 – Chapter 30 Part 4 Chapter 31 Part 1 [The Axe That Chops The Forest]”Mesillat Yesharim – Path of the Just #37 – Chapter 6 – Zeal! [Laziness Brings Poverty!]
In our lesson in Mesilat Yesharim we continue in Chapter 6 with the trait of enthusiasm / zeal. The Ramchal elaborates on the theme of the importance of energy and enthusiasm in performing Mitzvot.
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