Tanya – Lesson 1 – Three Types of Souls – Chapter 1 Part 1

The Alter Rebbe

We recently started a new weekly Shiur. You’re welcome to join. We’re studying the Tanya written by Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi. It is the most basic text of Chabad Chassidut. It shares with us the challenges of the soul, the make up of the soul, it’s journey through life and much more. It’s a book for those interested in Jewish mysticism and for those looking for direction in life.

In our first lesson, we’ll be getting to understand a little about the nature of a mysterious oath that is administered to each of us at the time just before we are born. This leads us into understand just what a Tzaddik is, a Rasha is and thereafter what a Beinoni is.

The text “Lessons in Tanya” is available for you to read on the video courtesy of Kehot Publication Society – so you can follow along with us or even read the notes at your own pace!

Please join us for these stimulating Shiurim and feel free to contact us if you’d like to join us live!

Check Your Tefillin and Your Mezuzot!


I have compiled two videos in this post to share with you some of the things that can happen when purchasing a pair of Tefillin. The second video shows how some people may understand the Mitzvah of Mezuzah and once again points to the problems involved in both the purchasing (or preparing one’s own Mezuzah for setting up on the doorpost) as well as what some people understand in terms of what a Mezuzah is – thinking it to be the box…

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The Last Soviet Sofer – The Story of Dr Michael Khanin

Dr Michael Khanin

Dr Michael Khanin was the last Sofer to leave the USSR. He is also my teacher in learning about the very special profession and work of a Sofer. In this video, Dr Khanin shares with us his amazing story of how he came to be involved in Sofrut and his journey from the USSR to Israel. The viewer has the opportunity to also see him working through a variety of video clips shared in the video as well as a few individual pictures showing the quality of his beautiful writing.

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The Wheel – Understanding Wealth and Charity – Parshat Behar – Video Lesson


The Torah teaches us to look after our brother. We find out the importance behind this commandment and how fast we must react to help another! Our initial teaching comes from a verse in Parshat Behar.

We continue on with a powerful teaching from the Midrash that this world is like a water-wheel with buckets on either side. As the one bucket fills with water, the other is being emptied and when the empty bucket is again lowered and fills up with water from the well underneath, it is the other bucket that then becomes empty.

Weath and poverty are in the hands of G-d. We would do well to internalise this message and assist others in need when we can help, because the world is a wheel that goes around. Sometimes those on top can be on the bottom, and sometimes – then – those on the bottom end up on the top.

We must help each other whenever we can. That is our obligation and our duty. This fascinating lesson and textual teaching from the original sources shows us just how serious the Torah takes the commandment of charity – Tzedakah.

(Apologies for the strange black flash at the beginning of the video.)

A Week of Tragedies for the Jewish People – Heroes and Heroines

Lori Gilbert Kaye

The Jewish people have experienced tremendous tragedy over the past week. While many are aware of the major attack in the Chabad synagogue in Poway, many are not aware that during the week there were yet another two attacks – both totally unprovoked – and upon emissaries of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.

I have compiled a few videos below for the interested reader to spend some time watching more about the Poway attack and the real heroes and heroine of this story.

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Largest Megillah in the World

Eliyahu Shear Megillah Three Columns

Purim is over – for this year… but it’s always good to remain connected with happy times! Here are some video clips showing the largest Megillah written in the world. It was completed in 2017 (where have I been?!) Being a Sofer, it is interesting to see this massive document. On the other hand, the Mitzvah of writing a Megillah by no means extends to breaking world records. Rather, one writes to fulfill the Mitzvah of reading (literally hearing) the Megillah. Of course, if one’s eye-sight is not up to par and one actually needs a world-record-size Megillah, then it’s all the more so worthwhile! The Megillah is 27 Metres long and is written on deer skin.

*Picture above is three columns of a Megillah I wrote

Shaarei Kedushah – Gates of Holiness – Lesson 2 – Body and Soul


Rabbi Chaim Vital teaches us that the body is simply a garment for the soul. The soul is essential. The body is secondary. It is there to allow the soul to express itself. The Torah is composed of 613 Mitzvot – 248 positive commandments and 365 negative commandments. The soul’s spiritual makeup is made in this way, and the body is made as a perfect fit for the purpose of the soul.

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Acts of Kindness (The Lubavitcher Rebbe – Video)

Kindness in the World

The Lubavitcher Rebbe shares the concept of “acts of kindness.” It is one which is far removed from the way most of us think. While we consider those who may lack – but who survive – as having enough, the Rebbe teaches that this is not the concept of the Mitzvah of kindness that the Torah teaches…

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