We recently started a new weekly Shiur. You’re welcome to join. We’re studying the Tanya written by Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi. It is the most basic text of Chabad Chassidut. It shares with us the challenges of the soul, the make up of the soul, it’s journey through life and much more. It’s a book for those interested in Jewish mysticism and for those looking for direction in life.
In our first lesson, we’ll be getting to understand a little about the nature of a mysterious oath that is administered to each of us at the time just before we are born. This leads us into understand just what a Tzaddik is, a Rasha is and thereafter what a Beinoni is.
The text “Lessons in Tanya” is available for you to read on the video courtesy of Kehot Publication Society – so you can follow along with us or even read the notes at your own pace!
Please join us for these stimulating Shiurim and feel free to contact us if you’d like to join us live!