Book your time to learn any area of Torah with Reb Eliyahu today!
Learning is done in-person in Jerusalem – Israel, or online using Skype / Zoom (also for group lessons!) with webcam!
Teaching is done on a professional basis only.
This is what it’s all about:
- All our learning is text based
- We learn from the original source together
- Improve your Hebrew
- Personalised source sheets that you may need will be provided
- Our focus is on growth
- You get to learn Torah – and support those who study it too
- Learning is done at your pace
- We get to talk about so many life matters as well
- We learn what’s practical
- Create a flexible and balanced schedule for each day of the week
Rav Eliyahu enjoys learning Torah – and he loves teaching too! It’s wonderful to be able to share the skills needed to learn – from understanding the basic text, and translating the Hebrew and Aramaic as they appear in their original form, to understanding how to think clearly and examine the teachings being studied. Reb Eliyahu is focused on working through each part of the text at whatever pace is necessary. Spending the necessary time on each word and concept helps to understand what’s being explained – so that it comes alive and the Torah can now be lived!
Skype / Zoom offers us the opportunity to see each other (or even a group of up to ten if you have friends who’d like to be a part of the same Shiur!) Many texts are available free online if you don’t already have the book, or you can work with your own book too, making notes inside. Torah learning must be stimulating! There must be a positive give and take – and that’s what I like to do. If the material is difficult – it’s often the student who provides an insight not thought of before – and so we really both stand to gain!
There’s so much to learn! The best is to consider how much time you have available, what’s closest to your heart and how much time you’d enjoy devoting to the subject of your choice. Select a sefer (book) you feel you’d stand to gain the most from – or speak to Rav Eliyahu about making a decision on selecting the best choice of study for you!
In order for our study sessions to be successful and in order to avoid Halachic questions “down-the-line”, the following points must be pointed out from the beginning:
- Your payment for a Torah lesson may be considered in the category of supporting a Torah scholar. In essence this is what you are doing. Not only is there the payment for a service offered (which fulfills the Mitzvah of honesty in business / paying a worker on time etc.,) but there is the additional advantage of supporting someone wishing to continue the path of studying and teaching Torah. I thank you with much gratitude for your kindness in being a part of that and in allowing me to continue learning and teaching Torah – something most special for me. Your hiring me and paying me honestly gives me the freedom to continue my learning and working towards some honourable goals I have set for myself in my own learning and teaching.
- All lessons must be paid for in advance. Regular lessons are payable once a month at the beginning of each month.
- Once-off-Sessions should be paid for at least 24 hours in advance. Please understand how important it is for me to know that the session has been officially booked and that my time is set aside – for you. Once-off-Sessions not paid for 24 hours in advance will be assumed not booked. Please do not turn up unannounced without payment or assume payment may be made after the shiur.
- Sessions in need of cancellation and not cancelled at least 48 hours in advance will be billed in full. No returns will be given. Please note: Sessions following Shabbat (i.e. on Sunday) or following a festival must be cancelled at least 72 hours in advance.
- For all other cancellations in good time, please contact us.
- All sessions begin at the exact time scheduled. Attending a session late means that the student will lose out on those minutes. They will not be made up.
- Our learning time together lasts for the period of one hour.
- Lessons are offered privately or in groups. Should you be joining for a private lesson, please note that your lesson is set up for you only and may not be joined by another. Should another person wish to be a part of the private lesson (or you would like someone else to join the lesson), that person must be in touch with Rav Eliyahu to arrange payment terms before the lesson begins.
- In the event that Rav Eliyahu is able to offer a discounted rate to a student who can prove their difficulty in paying the full amount – then if the student misses a lesson without cancelling in accordance with the terms and conditions listed here, that student will be required to pay the full non-discounted fee.
- Please do not ask for a discount. It is insulting to my profession, my teaching abilities and really to the Torah itself which asks of a person to involve himself in an honest profession generating income to be able to support one’s own family.
- Please do not ask Rav Eliyahu about his personal life, nor engage in any reasons why he charges for lessons or why he may be in need of living in his own home. Questions related to his path in life and his own Hashkafas are not appreciated. Our time for learning and our lessons together are for the lessons only and have no relevance to Rav Eliyahu’s personal life challenges and circumstances in life.
- Please respect these terms and conditions. It is only by keeping to them that Rav Eliyahu is able to give the most of himself.
- Payment can be made directly through my Paypal account.
- For those wishing to assist Rav Eliyahu in his study of Torah and those who learn with Rav Eliyahu at a discounted rate – please make payments via my Paypal account. Please note, while Rav Eliyahu charges for actual lessons, much time is needed to prepare the Shiurim. Those supporting Rav Eliyahu give him the opportunity to spend additional time preparing Shiurim before they are given.
- Costs for Shiurim are quoted in Shekels – the main currency of Israel. For those who wish to know the respective cost in their own currency – please make use of a free currency conversion program.
Thank you for understanding and accepting these terms and conditions.