Recently we obtained 59 beautiful bridal gowns. This was thanks to outside supporters who assisted us to making this project possible.

Those offering substantial donations and who wanted something special in memory of a loved one were sent beautiful certificates! We are now moving to the next stage of the project. There are still a number of the gowns that require cleaning and a few things that need to be fixed on them.
The truth is that we are really in need of moving the gowns to their own business premises – but as of the moment – the gowns are situated in own home in a room of their own. Ideally we would still like to set up all our activities in one apartment / building area.
We have recently moved to the holy city of Yerushalayim. It would not be wonderful to offer our services in a beautiful place with air to breathe!

We ask all who would like to become a part of this project to contact us directly – if you are able to offer a substantial contribution. We would be delighted to speak more in person and call you directly if you have the time to talk.
For those who would like a smaller share in the project, please make a “Buy Now” donation of your choice. We have allocated two buttons – one for general donations, and one for specific bridal equipment. The income will give us the opportunity to continue this project and Be’Ezrat Hashem to truly grow our organisation in to what we wish it to become – a centre of Torah teaching, learning and kindness.
For those who can assist in any way to help us expand our Bridal Gown Gemach and Service, please become a partner with us by making a donation. Thank you.